Registration and Rates

Submitted by admin on November 10, 2005 - 23:09.

Preregistration is closed. 

Our apologies, but MobileHCI 2006 cannot accept more participants. The maximum number was already exceeded. We will have about 30% more participants than in the previous years, which we are very glad about! This shows that MobileHCI conference addresses an increasingly important field.

Conference Registration Deadlines 
  • Early: On or before July 20    PASSED
  • Standard: July 21 - August 31 PASSED
  • Late/On site: On or after September 1  CANCELED
  • On-line registration closes September  8 CANCELED
Conference Registration Includes:
  • Three days of Technical Sessions
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Lunches on Conference days
  • Conference Dinner
  • Coffee Breaks

Conference Fee

All conference and tutorial fees are in Euro.

  EarlyStandard Late/On-site 
 Regular 450520 620 
 Student 200300 400 
 1-day 220250 300 

Tutorial Fee

 Early Standard Late/On-site 
 Regular 100115 140 
 Student 5075 100 

Tutorial registration fee includes: attendance at one tutorial, coffee/tea-breaks, lunch, one copy of tutorial material.


If you want to participate in a workshop, it requires approval from the workshop organisers. For the accepted participants, the workshop is included in the conference fee. If you only participate in a workshop, and not in the rest of the conference, you should pay the 1-day conference fee.

Student rates

Full time students qualify for the student registration fee. For student rates you'll need a valid, dated student identification card or a letter from your university or school to be presented when registering at the conference.


You may pay the conference fees by bank transfer or with the following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard/Eurocard, American Express.

Conference refund policy

Refund requests must be submitted in writing and must be received at the MobileHCI 2006 conference office on or before August 28 2006. A 50€ cancellation fee will be deducted to cover the processing costs. MobileHCi 2006 cannot accept refund requests after August 28 2006.

Please mail you cancellation and refund requests to:

MobileHCI 2006 
SoftwareBusiness and Engineering Institute
P.O Box 9210
FIN-02015 HUT


In case you need a visa for Finland, we kindly ask you to take care that you will get the visa before registering to the conference! MobileHCI conference committee will send invitations to the conference only for people having a very good reason to attend, such as a publication to be presented in the conference.