Workshop1: IMAC - Innovative Mobile Applications of Contex

Submitted by tjokela on May 12, 2006 - 16:23.


   IMAC - Innovative Mobile Applications of Context 

room A346, CS Building

CS Building HUT/Computer Science Building, 2nd floor Konemiehentie 2, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland or building 30 in this map:



Position papers due:         June 22 2006
Notification of acceptance:  July 6 2006
Camera-ready version:        August 3 2006
Workshop date:               September 12 2006


Following topics provide a rough framework and should always be seen in the face of the main goal to discuss promising new context aware applications:
    * Understanding and using context for various applications
    * Defining the limitations of context for application needs
    * Application potentials making use of different context factors and features, including social, psychological, cultural and other factors
    * Experiences of use of contextual information in user interaction (e.g. geographical, emotional, physical)
    * Human-centric approaches to the development of context applications
    * Interaction and interface design for context-aware mobile and ubiquitous applications (e.g. context for humans in motion)
    * Applications using semantic technologies
    * Impact of context-aware applications on the diverse aspects of user experience
    * Methods to design and study context-enabled applications (e.g. evaluation methods) in diverse settings
    * Relevant characteristics of context centred application (e.g. privacy and security issues)
    * Needs for extended context models based on smart and novel interactive mobile applications
    * Novel, visionary and futuristic ideas and approaches to context-aware applications


Exchange and interaction among participants from different communities and with various backgrounds is strongly encouraged. Moreover, a mixture of academic and industrial participants is anticipated. The interdisciplinary workshop aims at including researchers in the fields of human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, ambient environments, psychology, cognitive science, sociology, communication science, interaction design, privacy experts, etc.

We particularly invite application concepts inspired by interdisciplinary research (e.g. social scientists and historians proposing mobile peer-to-peer context recommendation protocols).


The attendance to the workshop will be limited. Please submit a position papers taking following into account:
    * 2-4 pages following the ACM SIG Proceedings Format
    * Provide a high technical standard in a wide variety of application domains and/or multi-cultural approaches
    * Describe your work in the area and your perspective regarding the goals of the workshop
    * Include a brief biographical sketch and the mission or focus of your research group (if applicable)
    * Papers can be co-authored
    * Publication and workshop language is English

Please submit as PDF to Kris Mihalic ( and Pertti Huuskonen ( with "IMAC Workshop" appearing in the subject line. (We will confirm the receipt for each paper; if you do not receive a confirmation within 3 days, please resend.)

All position papers will be reviewed. Submissions will be selected on the basis of the significance of the work presented and with respect to how well they will help reach the aim of the workshop. Space permitting, we will allow multiple attendees for co-authored papers.

Kris Mihalic and Manfred Tscheligi, HCI & Usability Unit, ICT&S Center, University of Salzburg, Austria
Pertti Huuskonen, Nokia Research Center, Tampere, Finland