Selected Tutorials
3 tutorials were selected for the conference:
Tutorial 1: Crafting the Mobile Experience
Tutorial 2: Institutionalizing Mobile User Experience
Tutorial 3: Designing user Interfaces for future mobile applications and services- a complete interaction and visual design process walkthrough
See more information about the tutorials from Tutorial page.
Tutorals will be held 12th of September 2006
Place: Espoo, Finland
Message from the Tutorials Co-Chairs
Tutorials offer Mobile HCI participants opportunities to learn about mobile HCI concepts, methods and techniques from recognised experts. Introductory tutorials help newcomers to get acquainted in the mobile HCI area whereas advanced tutorials provide in-depth knowledge to professionals already familiar with the basics.
The tutorials can introduce new human-centred design practices, such as design guidelines, design methodologies, or evaluation approaches and methodologies. The tutorials can also give overviews of current state-of-art in different mobile technologies, applications and services or user interface paradigms. Participatory approaches are recommended, so that tutorial participants can learn by doing themselves.
Contact us
Eija Kaasinen ( Johanna Laakko ( or: tutorials[at]
About Tutorials
Tutorials will be held parallel to the workshops on 12th of September 2006. Both one-day and half-day tutorials can be organised, and the tutorials can be introductory, intermediate or advanced, depending on the targeted audience. Tutorials will be selected on the basis of the relevance, timeliness and audience appeal of the subject. Other evaluation criteria include the quality of the proposal, the expected benefits to the participants and fit within the overall programme. Also the suitability for presentation in a half-day or full-day format, use of appropriate presentation methods and exercises and past experience and qualifications of the instructors will be taken into account. Tutorials that advocate a single avenue of research or promote a product will NOT be considered.
How to Submit a Tutorial Proposal
Tutorial proposals should be a maximum of 4 pages and should contain the following information: • A descriptive title for the tutorial. • A brief description of the theme of the tutorial. • A detailed agenda for the tutorial. • Characterization of the tutorial as introductory, intermediate or advanced. • Length of the tutorial (half-day, full-day). • Characterization of the potential target audience, including prerequisite knowledge and a description of why the tutorial topic would be of interest to a substantial audience. • A brief resume of the presenter/s, which should include name, postal address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, background in the tutorial area, evidence of experience in Mobile HCI research, and evidence of teaching experience. • The names and email addresses of the proposed presenters and the name of the primary contact. Submission deadline: CLOSED. (Deadline was 1st of March 2006 10:00 PM Pacific time (UTC-8)). Notification of acceptance by week 16 (starting April 17th 2006)
Upon Acceptance
If the proposal is accepted, tutorial organisers will receive further instructions to manage the tutorial before and during the conference. In particular organisers of accepted tutorials will need to
• Prepare an extended abstract submitting a 2-page description of the tutorial for inclusion in the Mobile HCI 2006 proceedings
• Call for participation, prepare a 250-word Call for Participation suitable for publication on the mobile HCI 2006 web site
• Participants register to the tutorials via the Mobile HCI web site but the tutorial organisers are encouraged to market their tutorial also themselves
• Distribute handouts and other materials for the participants at the tutorial Note that accepted tutorials might be cancelled if too few attendees register for the tutorial to support the costs of running it.