
Submitted by Virpi Roto on May 6, 2006 - 22:19.

We provide 6 interesting workshops on Tuesday 12.9. The workshop organizers will take care of the workshop registrations; typically they request for a position paper from the participants (not published in the conference proceedings). Select a workshop below for more detailed information.

The workshop participation fee is included the full conference package, but if You do not attend the full conference, You need to register and pay a one-day fee to attend a workshop.


1. IMAC - Innovative Mobile Applications of Contex (room A346 CS Building)

2. User Interaction with Pervasive Display Environments CANCELLED

3. Mobile usage of video and TV CANCELLED

4. Speech in Mobile and Pervasive Environments (room T5, CS Building) 

5. Mobile Interaction with the Real World (room B130, CS Building)

6. Modelling and Designing User Assistance in Intelligent Environments (Room Saarikoski, Innopoli 2, SoberIT)

7. Mobile and ubiquitous information access (room Kivi, Innopoli 2, SoberIT)

8. Context-Aware Mobile Media (room Leino, Innopoli 2, SoberIT)

For the directions and locations check above the building where your workshop is located, its in one of these two buildings:

1)CS Building HUT/Computer Science Building, 2nd floor Konemiehentie 2, Otaniemi, Espoo, Finland or building 30 in this map:

2) Innopoli 2, SoberIT premises Innopoli 2, Tekniikantie 14, 4th floor Espoo. See the building 33 in this map: